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Hong Wei Chu, MD, Lab (Section Head)

The Chu lab's mission is to understand the mechanisms of airway bacterial infections in patients with asthma or COPD, and to discover novel therapeutic approaches to restore host defense functions. Learn more.

Brian Day, PhD, Lab

The Day lab is interested in the role of oxidative stress in lung disease and antioxidant adaptive responses that the lung uses to prevent oxidative stress. Learn more.

Carl & Hazel Felt Laboratory for Pulmonary Research

Established in 1988, the mission of the Carl and Hazel Felt lab for Pulmonary Research is to advance the understanding of asthma and chronic bronchitis/COPD pathogenesis, including the study of new and current therapies. Learn more.

Jerry Nick, MD, Lab

The principal basic science interest of the group is the regulation of neutrophil response via intracellular signaling pathways. Learn more.

Anthony Gerber, MD, PhD, Lab

The Gerber lab seeks to bridge the gap between the basic science of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) biology, and clinical therapeutics in pulmonary disease. Learn more.

Shu-Yi Liao, MD, Lab

Our lab's mission is to develop advanced machine learning algorithms that integrate multiple omics data (e.g. genetics, genomics, epigenetics, metabolomics), environmental exposures (e.g. allergens, viral infections, lung microbiome), images, and clinical characteristics to personalize treatments or phenotyping pulmonary diseases such as sarcoidosis, asthma, and ARDS. Learn more.

Susan Majka, PhD, Lab

Our lab studies how mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC) regulate lung microvascular function and dysregulated angiogenesis as well as how  these processes contribute to the development or severity of chronic lung diseases (including fibrosis, emphysema as well as pulmonary hypertension). Learn more.

Katherine Hisert, MD, PhD, Lab

The Hisert lab performs basic & translational research to understand the role of monocytes and macrophages in modulating airway inflammation in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Learn more.

James, P. Bridges, PhD, Lab

Research efforts in the Bridges laboratory are focused toward understanding the molecular regulation of epithelial cell specification and maturation during lung development; and determining the molecular mechanisms that control pulmonary surfactant pool sizes in the postnatal and adult lung, with particular interest in rare pediatric and adult lung diseases associated with surfactant dysfunction. Learn more.

Cecile Rose, MD, MPH, Lab

The Rose Lab investigates cardiopulmonary diseases in western miners, historic uranium industry workers and stone fabricators. Additionally, the Lab collaborates with military and academic scientists and physicians in the Department of Defense, Veterans Administration and the U.S. Geological survey to examine the lung histologic profiles of symptomatic Iraq and Afghanistan deployers. Learn more.

Tim Lahm, MD, ATSF

The Lahm laboratory is studying mechanisms of how sex hormones such as 17β-estradiol affect lung and RV endothelial cell homeostasis as well as cardiomyocyte function during PH and RV failure development. Learn more.

Granulomatous Exposure-Related Lung Disease Lab

Our multi-investigator laboratory is interested in the natural history, immunologic mechanisms, and genetic and exposure risks associated with sarcoidosis, chronic beryllium disease, and other granulomatous and occupational lung diseases such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Learn more.