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The ACGME-accredited University of Colorado School Of Medicine / National Jewish Health Pediatric Allergy and Immunology


Chairman of Pediatrics at National Jewish Health:

Pam Zeitlin, MD, MPhil, PhD is the Silverstein Chair in the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Zeitlin’s main area of expertise is in translational research in cystic fibrosis with a focus on chloride channels, protein chaperones, F508del pathophysiology and protein rescue in CF. She also has a role in pediatric asthma research. She has conducted investigator- initiated trials of 4-phenylbutyrate as a corrector in CF, anti-inflammatories in CF, Adeno-associated Viral gene therapy in CF, and many others. Dr. Zeitlin held the IND for 4-phenylbutyrate for CF and holds the INDs for digitoxin and glycerolphenylbutyrate in CF. She also is a basic science investigator working in the area of chloride channels, proteomics, and protein trafficking. Her laboratory is a translational environment where graduate students, clinical fellows, postdoctoral fellows and faculty can work collaboratively to advance our fundamental knowledge about CF airways disease.  


Head of the Allergy/Immunology Division in the Department of Pediatrics at National Jewish Health:

Donald Leung, MD, PhD is the Head of the Allergy/Immunology Division and Professor in the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Leung is a renowned authority in mechanisms of allergic disease. He has numerous NIH R01 grants, has served as the Co-Director of the NIH-funded General Clinical Research Center at the University of Colorado Denver and National Jewish Health, and he is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the premier journal in the field. Dr. Leung provides fellows with lectures, conference discussions and research mentorship.

Program Director

Bruce J. (BJ) Lanser, MD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Dr. Lanser has been the Fellowship Program Director since 2020, having previously been Associate Program Director. His clinical interests are in food allergy, anaphylaxis, and FPIES, with a special interest in school health. He is actively involved in clinical research in food allergy, and is the Director of the Pediatric Food Allergy Program. BJ supervises fellows in the Pediatric Continuity Clinic, the Pediatric Day Program, and as a research mentor.

Faculty for the Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Fellowship Program:

Jessica Hui Beckman, MD, is a faculty member in the Department of Pediatrics at National Jewish Health. She treats patients and conducts clinical and translational research regarding the origins of allergy. She is the recipient of the AAAAI Faculty Foundation Award and is a Boettcher Investigator having received the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Award. Dr. Hui serves on the editorial board of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Dr. Hui Beckman oversees the fellows' research, is the Wellness Champion for the fellowship program and is a mentor for fellows.

S. Allan Bock, MD, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Pediatrics. He completed his fellowship at National Jewish Health and cared for patients in private practice, while conducting pioneering clinical research on food allergy and anaphylaxis at National Jewish Health. He worked with Charles May, MD, to develop the oral food challenge. Dr. Bock works with fellows as a mentor.

Mark Boguniewicz, MDis a Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology. He is a renowned expert in atopic dermatitis. He provides direct patient care in the Pediatric Allergy Continuity Clinic and Pediatric Day Program. Dr. Boguniewicz has served as a fellow research mentor and personal mental. He has been recognized with the Outstanding Mentor Award from the fellows for two consecutive years.

Divya Chauhan, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. She provides patient care to adults and children in the Highlands Ranch clinical location.

Ronina Covar, MD, is Associate Co-Director for the Cohen Family Asthma Institute and Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology. She has special interests in severe asthma and steroid response, and serves as the Director of the Severe Asthma Clinic Program. She supervises fellows in the Pediatric Day Program and as research mentor.

Jessica Galant-Swafford, MD, is Assistant Professor and Clinical Director of the Immunodeficiency-Immune Dysregulation Program in the Division of Allergy & Clinical Immunology of the National Jewish Health Department of Medicine and has a joint appointment in the Department of Pediatrics. She oversees the clinical immunology curriculum for the fellowship program and staffs fellows in the Pediatric Immunodeficiency Clinic.

Flavia Cecilia Lega Hoyte, MDis a Professor and Director of the Allergy & Clinical Immunology Fellowship in the Division of Allergy & Clinical Immunology and Department of Medicine at National Jewish Health. She also is the Director of the Adult Allergy & Clinical Immunology Fellowship Program. Dr. Hoyte supervises the pediatric fellows in the Adult Continuity Clinic.

Michael Nevid, MD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology. He completed his fellowship at National Jewish Health in 2023. Dr. Nevid supervises fellows in the Pediatric Continuity Clinic, the Pediatric Day Program and is a mentor for fellows.

Kanao Otsu, MD, MPHis an Associate Professor in the Division of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine at National Jewish Health. She supervises pediatric fellows in the Adult Continuity Clinic.

Nathan Rabinovitch, MD, MPH, is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology. His research interests are on the role of environmental exposures in the school-age asthmatic child. He supervises fellows in the Pediatric Day Program and as a research mentor.


Other Faculty for the Fellowship Program

Rafeul Alam, MD, PhD*

Stephen Dreskin, MD, PhD+

Stephen  (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window)

Flavia Hoyte, MD*

Anjeli Kalra+

Rohit Katial, MD*

Levi Keller, MD+

Suzanne Ngo, MD+

Jenny Stitt, MD+

Eileen Wang, MD, MPH*

 (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window)

* Faculty in the Division of Allergy and Immunology in Department of Medicine at National Jewish Health.

+ Faculty in the Department of Medicine in the Allergy/Clinical Immunology Section at the University of Colorado Hospital.